Your Immigration Attorney

Jeffrey D. Garfin, Esq.

 A member of the New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts State and Federal Bar, Jeffrey Garfin is an experienced attorney who has represented thousands of clients both in and out of court. He is a member of the New York City Bar Immigration Panel, American Immigration Lawyers Association, Assigned Counsel Plan for the City of New York, CJA Panel for the District of Western Massachusetts, the Intellectual Property Law Committee of the New York County Lawyers Association, the American Trial Lawyers Association and the Attorney Advisory Panel for

Mr. Garfin has also appeared as a legal expert and guest on ABC affiliate News 40 Television, Springfield, MA, 93.7 WZMX, Hartford Connecticut and “Newstalk Television with Patrick Halpin” New York, New York and invited as a Legal Expert/Panelist for the “Oprah Winfrey Show”. His clients overwhelmingly recommend his services to their friends and family.

In addition to his legal background, Mr. Garfin is an accomplished musician, performing regularly at many top New York City nightclubs.



English, Spanish & Portuguese: (212) 767-9903

Chinese: (718) 889-6396


160 Broadway, Suite 500, New York, NY 10038